
St Mary's Almshouses recognises and values the provision of information on this website in a format which is accessible to all, regardless of ability or disability. In order to ensure a consistent user experience for visitors to the site we use a mixture of what are known as cascading style sheets (CSS for short). CSS enable us to enforce a corporate look-and-feel to our website which ensures that a consistent font typeface, use of colour and optimum text sizes. Our understanding is that using cascading style sheets enables us to meet current legislative and industry standards on website accessibility. 

Is the text on your screen too large? Or too small?
Our default text size is approximately 16 pixels. You may find that on your screen the text is either too large or too small for your personal needs. Using the options below you can set a smaller or larger standard font size, and this will be applied to all pages you visit on our website. Your browser's default text size setting for all web sites To increase or decrease the text size, use the Text Size setting in the Internet Explorer View menu (at the top of the screen). The default setting is Medium. If this does not work please goto your menu bar, choose 'Tools' then choose 'Internet Options' then choose 'Accessibility' tick the options you desire and the website will change in appearance. In browsers other than Internet Explorer, there will be a similar setting. 

What is an accessible web site?
An accessible site is one that accommodates the full range of users. Designing for accessibility therefore means accepting that, for online information, there is:

  • no standard information user, and,
  • no standard device for browsing information
  • an accessible web site does not exclude anybody due to:
  • their abilities, or
  • the method they choose to access the web 

Accessible web sites prioritise clear content, structure and ease of navigation over frilly aspects of design, however they also need not be visually unattractive, nor are they prevented from using the latest web technologies, provided that all information is still accessible to users.